Thursday, October 12, 2006


I got up early again and hit the treadmill - woo hoo! This might become a habit...

Then, my morning took a turn - I had to wake up our DD. UGH! Not a good morning - she cried about everything from having to get up to breakfast to the pants I picked out for her to wear. SHE'S 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are her teen years going to be like? She was screaming bloody murder when I left daycare - GUILT!!!!!!!!

Then, it started snowing - yes, SNOWING!!! Like, sticking to the ground, the bushes in front of our office are white, snowing. What the heck is this????? It's October 12, Mother Nature, NOT December 12. Check your calendar....

Anyway, I hope you all have a great day!


  1. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Snow already!!!! It still feels like summer here, today was 93 degrees with us!

  2. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Oh, and also in answer to your question, we hope to be in China sometime between January and March.

  3. Anonymous1:10 PM

    My daughter was like that at two, also. Only, she wouldn't wear ANYTHING except for dresses! I'd tell you it gets better, except it doesn't. (She's 11 now.) The only thing that changes is YOUR attitude because somewhere along the line you realize it's just not worth the arguments! ;)

  4. Anonymous3:24 PM

    thanks for all your sweet comments on my blog. Hope you DD get past this "phase" soon. but remember you just get another "phase" coming from a mom of a dd 3yo. :) mariana

  5. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Wow! I'm ready for a blizzard. Didn't happen last year, but I keep hoping....

  6. I wish we'd see some snow.. It was almost 80 here in coastal VA today. We didn't even get any snow last year... it's really hit and miss around here. =(

  7. I couldn't believe it snowed today!!! Crazy!!!

  8. I know, didn't the snow totally suck yesterday?! None of it stayed around, but it's the symbol of the snow, what it means, what it foretells.... I hate winter! And fall just started for crying out loud!


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