Monday, October 09, 2006

Sunday is over...

Monday, Mondy - we're back again!
I went for a walk with DD yesterday - a little over a mile. I have decided, finally, that it is time to get back into a regular exercise routine! I am tired of feeling BLAH and flabby. I could use all the encouragement I can get.... What inspired me? Well, besides feeling blech for the past year, I found pictures of me the summer before I got preggers with DD and I looked good.... I want that again. I'm not much of a runner but the 2 years that I did "run" (yes, I use that term loosely) I looked and felt good.

Lesson learned yesterday - when someone tells you, "you might not want to stand there", you might not want to stand there! DH was trimming our yard yesterday, said those words to me but did I Iisten? NOPE!!!!! Big DUH to me! I ended up taking a rock to the face. Just a small bruise on my lip from that - luckily! From now on, I will heed those words of advice!!!!!!!!

Hope you all have a wonderful week!


  1. I hate seeing pictures of myself then and now...and I didn't even have a baby!!!! I'm just flabby! ;) YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    ouch!! hope your lip feels better!:)

  3. Motivation? You need motivation? I can do that!

    Get out there and move your butt around! Do it because you want to do it, because you're ready to make a healthy lifestyle change. It takes 21 days to develop a new habit, so get out there and push yourself. Before long, exercise will just be a habit you've developed.

    And don't forget to have fun! : )

  4. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Ouch! I just winced thinking of getting hit in the lip with a rock.

  5. 5 years later and I'm still trying to lose the baby weight! But I do love my treadmill - I walk for an hour a day - put up the music really loud and think about my stories :)

    Problem is, I love to eat even more than I love the treadmill - I seem to just be breaking even :)

  6. That didn't sound too pleasant..hope you are feeling better!

  7. congrats on starting to exercise, you can do it! you've already put your mind too it, now you just have to follow through :)

    ouch about the rock hitting you-hope it heals asap

  8. Oh, the photo motivation. Oy.

    I've got a young/cute/thin photo of myself hanging on my bathroom mirror. I may not be able to do young anymore, and probably not cute, but thin? I can and I will.

  9. Anonymous12:09 PM

    keep up the good start you have made....I am trying to get fit again too, I actually ran a marathon this time a year ago and now I can barely run the length of myself!!! Shameful! At least you have an excuse, I can't blame pregnancies!

    And ouch about the rock....hope it heals up soon!


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