Let's see how I do with these this year...
1. Exercise at least 3 times a week.
2. Write at least 5 pages each week.
3. Cook more!!!!!!!
4. Scrap 100 pages and finish 2 albums.
5. Keep in better touch with my family & friends.
I hope you all have a fantastic new year!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog!
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Friday, December 29, 2006
It's my Life....
Greetings! I hope this finds you mostly recovered from your holidays....
Our Christmas was very nice! We took the kids to Chi-town last weekend. We saw the Tut exhibit at the Field Museum, did some window shopping on Michigan Ave., and went to Winter Fest at Navy Pier.
It has been a crazy couple of weeks. I want to sleep for about a week...
We are looking forward to a quiet New Year's Eve - YEA! The Bears play, so I'm sure that will be on.
I will try to share pictures this weekend.
Our Christmas was very nice! We took the kids to Chi-town last weekend. We saw the Tut exhibit at the Field Museum, did some window shopping on Michigan Ave., and went to Winter Fest at Navy Pier.
It has been a crazy couple of weeks. I want to sleep for about a week...
We are looking forward to a quiet New Year's Eve - YEA! The Bears play, so I'm sure that will be on.
I will try to share pictures this weekend.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Merry Christmas!
I will update more after the holidays, but I wanted to wish all my blogger friends - a VERY Merry Christmas! I hope you and yours have a joyful season.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Yes, I think it is safe to say, my DH is OBSESSED with our trip to Hawaii. He still has 11 months until we leave and he is driving me crazy! Where should we stay? Should we island hop? If we do, where should we stay? What luau should we go to? AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, so that being said....he booked us at the Embassy Suites in Waikiki for the duration of our trip (10 days). Then, he thought maybe if we stayed a few day on the North Shore that would be nice. I agreed. We found a nice resort up there with things to do and lots of quiet. Then, he decided he wanted to see volcanos - so that would mean going to the Big Island. We would go for a few days, HENCE giving up the quiet of the north resort. (SIGH...) I am to the point where I don't want to fight about it, I don't want to think about it, I don't care. I've told him a hundred times, do what you want and tell me where to be. I just want this trip planned so we can move on with our lives for a while.
THEN, (can you tell I'm not in a good mood today...) he springs "What would you think about going to New York for a long weekend?" Excuse me, what? Where the hell is this coming from? He found a deal on air... (I swear I am going to block all the travel sites on our computer.) He is driving me crazy and apparently thinks he will be winning the lottery some time in the near future....
Work....some of you know of the "issues" I have been having. The other lady who works in the office (I refer to her as "Queen Mum" - not to her face) is apparently, QUITE TERRITORIAL!!!!!!! Granted, she has been there for 9 years. I came in May. BUT, part of my frustration is my boss is not using me for the things he hired me for. So, when I do something I am supposed to be doing and she un-does it, it frustrates me - A LOT! Example, I spent the better part of my 6 months there, revamping their really non-existant filing system. I was out one day last week and she pretty much undid everything I had done. My boss still calls her for financial things and then she doesn't relay them on to me, and I have to figure out where money is "mysteriously" going to and coming from. I tell you...
Ok, sorry, hasn't been a banner last week. I swear I will try to cheer up and have some fun things to post about.
Have a great week! HUGS!
Ok, so that being said....he booked us at the Embassy Suites in Waikiki for the duration of our trip (10 days). Then, he thought maybe if we stayed a few day on the North Shore that would be nice. I agreed. We found a nice resort up there with things to do and lots of quiet. Then, he decided he wanted to see volcanos - so that would mean going to the Big Island. We would go for a few days, HENCE giving up the quiet of the north resort. (SIGH...) I am to the point where I don't want to fight about it, I don't want to think about it, I don't care. I've told him a hundred times, do what you want and tell me where to be. I just want this trip planned so we can move on with our lives for a while.
THEN, (can you tell I'm not in a good mood today...) he springs "What would you think about going to New York for a long weekend?" Excuse me, what? Where the hell is this coming from? He found a deal on air... (I swear I am going to block all the travel sites on our computer.) He is driving me crazy and apparently thinks he will be winning the lottery some time in the near future....
Work....some of you know of the "issues" I have been having. The other lady who works in the office (I refer to her as "Queen Mum" - not to her face) is apparently, QUITE TERRITORIAL!!!!!!! Granted, she has been there for 9 years. I came in May. BUT, part of my frustration is my boss is not using me for the things he hired me for. So, when I do something I am supposed to be doing and she un-does it, it frustrates me - A LOT! Example, I spent the better part of my 6 months there, revamping their really non-existant filing system. I was out one day last week and she pretty much undid everything I had done. My boss still calls her for financial things and then she doesn't relay them on to me, and I have to figure out where money is "mysteriously" going to and coming from. I tell you...
Ok, sorry, hasn't been a banner last week. I swear I will try to cheer up and have some fun things to post about.
Have a great week! HUGS!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
I was tagged by Holly's Scraps:
A - Available or single: neither, I'm married :D
B - Best Friend: My DH
C - Cake or Pie: neither - I like Cookies
D - Drink of choice: water
E - Essential Item you use everyday: toothpaste, deodorant, my van
F - Favorite color: Blue
G - Gummy Bears or worms: Bears - stale please
H - Hometown: somewhere in cornfields of Illinois
I - Indulgence: Starbucks
J - January or February: Do I have to pick one? I don't like either...
K - Kids & Names: Ryan & Sara
L - Life is Incomplete Without? love (I'm stealing Holly's answer)
M - Marriage Date: 11/15/97 (in a blizzard)
N - Number of Siblings: 3 younger brothers and a younger sister
O - Oranges or Apples: oranges
P - Phobias or Fears: SNAKES!!!!!!!!!
Q - Fave Quote: Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking. -Scarecrow, Wizard of Oz
R - Reason to Smile: My DH, kids, family and friends
S - Season: Fall
T - Tag 3 or 4 people: Cheryl, Elizabeth and Penny
U - Unknown Fact about Me: I eat Cool Whip from the container
V- Vegetable You Don't Like: Beans!
W - Worst Habit: Picking at my fingernails
X - Xrays: I've had a few on my knees
Y - Your Fave Food: Italian food, Snickers bars and cookies
Z - Zodiac Sign: Aries
Ok, ladies I tagged - YOU'RE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
A - Available or single: neither, I'm married :D
B - Best Friend: My DH
C - Cake or Pie: neither - I like Cookies
D - Drink of choice: water
E - Essential Item you use everyday: toothpaste, deodorant, my van
F - Favorite color: Blue
G - Gummy Bears or worms: Bears - stale please
H - Hometown: somewhere in cornfields of Illinois
I - Indulgence: Starbucks
J - January or February: Do I have to pick one? I don't like either...
K - Kids & Names: Ryan & Sara
L - Life is Incomplete Without? love (I'm stealing Holly's answer)
M - Marriage Date: 11/15/97 (in a blizzard)
N - Number of Siblings: 3 younger brothers and a younger sister
O - Oranges or Apples: oranges
P - Phobias or Fears: SNAKES!!!!!!!!!
Q - Fave Quote: Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking. -Scarecrow, Wizard of Oz
R - Reason to Smile: My DH, kids, family and friends
S - Season: Fall
T - Tag 3 or 4 people: Cheryl, Elizabeth and Penny
U - Unknown Fact about Me: I eat Cool Whip from the container
V- Vegetable You Don't Like: Beans!
W - Worst Habit: Picking at my fingernails
X - Xrays: I've had a few on my knees
Y - Your Fave Food: Italian food, Snickers bars and cookies
Z - Zodiac Sign: Aries
Ok, ladies I tagged - YOU'RE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
You know it's Monday when....
...DD is up at 4 a.m. after you stayed up late on Sunday night to watch a movie.
...DS asks if you remembered to get treats for his after school activity and you completely forgot (insert silent curse and slap in the forehead).
...you pick up DD from daycare and she's pale as a ghost and feverish then spend the rest of the evening trying to get her cooled down and to sleep for a while.
Oh, yes, it was a Monday yesterday! So, I am home with DD today, who is sleeping at the moment - whew! She seems to be better.
DH & I have decided not to go to Alaska. We decided we would rather sink that money into our Hawaii trip. So, next November, he & I will be renewing our vows there and having our "second honeymoon". We are looking into hotels and resorts - good grief! You would think an island wouldn't have that many in that small of an area.
We also decided to take the kids to Chicago the weekend before Christmas to see the lights and decorations. Apparently, no one else wants to be a tourist that weekend - we got a steal for a room.
They are taling about more snow coming in tonight - because apparently the almost 14" we got on Friday wasn't enough....ugh! Have I mentioned I hate winter?
Hope you are all having a good week!
...DS asks if you remembered to get treats for his after school activity and you completely forgot (insert silent curse and slap in the forehead).
...you pick up DD from daycare and she's pale as a ghost and feverish then spend the rest of the evening trying to get her cooled down and to sleep for a while.
Oh, yes, it was a Monday yesterday! So, I am home with DD today, who is sleeping at the moment - whew! She seems to be better.
DH & I have decided not to go to Alaska. We decided we would rather sink that money into our Hawaii trip. So, next November, he & I will be renewing our vows there and having our "second honeymoon". We are looking into hotels and resorts - good grief! You would think an island wouldn't have that many in that small of an area.
We also decided to take the kids to Chicago the weekend before Christmas to see the lights and decorations. Apparently, no one else wants to be a tourist that weekend - we got a steal for a room.
They are taling about more snow coming in tonight - because apparently the almost 14" we got on Friday wasn't enough....ugh! Have I mentioned I hate winter?
Hope you are all having a good week!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
I am excited for Christmas! I really am! The house is decorated, I'm playing Christmas music, watching Christmas movies and am actually looking forward to a little shopping. Amazing what getting out of retail can do!
We all had a snow day on Friday. It was crazy! DH cleared the driveway at 3 p.m. then when the plows FINALLY came through - they snowed us in again - THANKS!!!!!!!!!! (insert eye roll here) So, yesterday morning, he was out there trying to get through the ice that USED to be snow. Love winter.... I did, however, make a great homemade chicken soup and bread for dinner. I got MOST of my Christmas cards ready to mail out. However, the mail hasn't been out in 2 days now...
I am hoping to get myself back on track with my work outs this week. Someone give me a kick in the pants - Thanksgiving has caught up with me!
I will add pictures of our decorations soon! Have a wonderful week!
We all had a snow day on Friday. It was crazy! DH cleared the driveway at 3 p.m. then when the plows FINALLY came through - they snowed us in again - THANKS!!!!!!!!!! (insert eye roll here) So, yesterday morning, he was out there trying to get through the ice that USED to be snow. Love winter.... I did, however, make a great homemade chicken soup and bread for dinner. I got MOST of my Christmas cards ready to mail out. However, the mail hasn't been out in 2 days now...
I am hoping to get myself back on track with my work outs this week. Someone give me a kick in the pants - Thanksgiving has caught up with me!
I will add pictures of our decorations soon! Have a wonderful week!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
We survived Thanksgiving at our house. 31 of my family members (there are SEVERAL more who didn't make it) came on Saturday. There was TONS of food and great company!
Friday, we had Thanksgiving with my in-laws and they dropped a HUGE bomb! We knew they are planning an Alaskan cruise for FIL's retirement in '08 but they asked DS to join them on their driving portion to & from Vancouver and for DH & I and his brother & SIL to join them for the cruise. We were very surprised! DS is going for sure. We are still thinking about it. Now, before you all go getting crazy on me, here's the reasoning for thinking about it: We were planning on Hawaii for our 10 year anniversary next year but if we go to Alaska, Hawaii will not happen. So, DH is going with my MIL on Friday to talk with the travel agent.
We have our Christmas tree up & decorated. Ok, BOTH of the trees are up and decorated. We have most of our shopping done and wrapped. I have some sewing left to do and a couple of small gifts to buy.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!
We survived Thanksgiving at our house. 31 of my family members (there are SEVERAL more who didn't make it) came on Saturday. There was TONS of food and great company!
Friday, we had Thanksgiving with my in-laws and they dropped a HUGE bomb! We knew they are planning an Alaskan cruise for FIL's retirement in '08 but they asked DS to join them on their driving portion to & from Vancouver and for DH & I and his brother & SIL to join them for the cruise. We were very surprised! DS is going for sure. We are still thinking about it. Now, before you all go getting crazy on me, here's the reasoning for thinking about it: We were planning on Hawaii for our 10 year anniversary next year but if we go to Alaska, Hawaii will not happen. So, DH is going with my MIL on Friday to talk with the travel agent.
We have our Christmas tree up & decorated. Ok, BOTH of the trees are up and decorated. We have most of our shopping done and wrapped. I have some sewing left to do and a couple of small gifts to buy.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!
I've Been Tagged
6 weird things about me (from Shootin the Poop - link to the right)
1. I love to travel but hate to fly.
2. I like to eat Cool Whip out of the container.
3. I enjoy getting dressed up once in a while, even if it means wearing pantyhose.
4. I think I am a better on-line friend than an in real life friend, for whatever reason...
5. I enjoy working 2 jobs (most of the time) - I feel like I have too much free time if I'm not working.
6. I can't usually sit and watch TV or a movie for more than an hour.
Tag to: La, Aimee, Holly, Jane and Brianna
1. I love to travel but hate to fly.
2. I like to eat Cool Whip out of the container.
3. I enjoy getting dressed up once in a while, even if it means wearing pantyhose.
4. I think I am a better on-line friend than an in real life friend, for whatever reason...
5. I enjoy working 2 jobs (most of the time) - I feel like I have too much free time if I'm not working.
6. I can't usually sit and watch TV or a movie for more than an hour.
Tag to: La, Aimee, Holly, Jane and Brianna
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Vegas "album"
If you are interested, here's the link to our favorite Vegas photos:
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Images of Vegas
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Adventures in Las Vegas
Ok, sort of adventures....
I have a little time here at work this afternoon, so I'll see if I can recount our trip.
First, the weather was INCREDIBLE!!!!! 70s and sunny every day and the evenings were 50s and clear. I loved it - I really tried to put it in my suitcase and bring it home....oh well, maybe my wonderful friend Bri will mail me some! :D
We flew out on Friday night and got in late (10 p.m. Las Vegas) on a rough flight that felt like a 5 year old landed it - it was rough. We got our rental car (by the way, NOT a necessity if you are visiting!) and drove to the MGM. We got checked in and went to our room that we paid a small fortune for, opened the shades and, you guessed it - a wall! At that hour, we were too tired to care so we went downstairs to walk around for a while and went to bed about 1:30.
DH got up about 6 the next morning and showered. I had a headache so I decided to sleep for a little longer while he went down to the casino.
A sidenote....if you stay at the MGM and are into contemporary - stay in the West Wing. If you're not - get a standard room!
Ok, sorry, back to my recounting of the tale.... I got up a little after 7 and took a shower and felt better. I got dressed and went downstairs to see if I could find him - ah ha! At the video blackjack machine.... We went to McD's for breakfast and called home to see how the kids were. They were good, not that we expected any different - grandma was there! We went upstairs to get my purse and headed out. We walked down one side of Las Vegas Blvd. all the way to Treasure Island, stopping and at least putting a dollar in each of the casinos, checking out the shops, hotel lobbies, etc., and back to the MGM - so we were gone all day.
We got back and checked to see if our "new" room was ready - yes. So, we went up and packed up and moved up to the 14th floor - same type of room, but with a fabulous view of the Strip. We took a short nap and got ready to go out. We went to see Ka - if you have a chance to see this show - do, it is fantastic! We went to dinner at craftsteak in our hotel - very expensive but very good. We changed and went out for another walk. We walked to Paris and went up in the Eiffel Tower - what an amazing view! I think we finally crawled into bed about 2.
Sunday we got up and drove out to Hoover Dam. THAT is impressive! It is so amazing how big it is! We stopped at the Hard Rock Hotel, Circus Circus and Rio while we had the car out and had lunch at Sonic (a treat since we don't have one around here). We went back to MGM, put the car back, changed rooms again to a standard room and went to Mandalay Bay, Luxor, Hooters and Excalibur. Then, walked down to watch the fountains at Bellagio, and the pirates at Treasure Island. We started to walk back to our hotel but DH decided it was too early to go back. So, we got the bus to Fremont Street. We were pretty disappointed in that, so we weren't there long and headed back, got McDonald's to take to our room, watched Men In Black before we fell asleep.
Another sidenote....if you don't want mind chaos - Circus Circus is fine. I had just relaxed enough at that point with no kids with us that it undid that. Kids were EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! I was very ready to go back to the "grown up" world after about 15 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I love kids but when I hadn't had to worry about them for 36 hours, it was a huge shock!
We got up yesterday and ate doughnuts sitting on the back of the couch, looking out the window at the Strip. I started crying - I couldn't believe it was over and that we were coming home that night. I wanted to stay longer. I was relaxed, I wasn't worried about the kids and how they were doing, where they were, would they behave that day. It was just DH & I - it was SO nice! We've never had that! So, we packed, checked out, did some shopping and gambling. We got gas in the rental, had lunch at Jack in the Box and stopped to take pictures of the "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign. Then, onto the airport, and home.
We had a smooth flight back but a really rough landing. Then, we waited - I am not kidding - 45 minutes for our luggage. So, we finally rolled into bed at home just after 1 a.m.
Some of my "must dos" to anyone going - the Bellagio fountains, go up in the Eiffel Tower, the fountains at Ceasears Palace, outside New York, New York is a display of t-shirts of all the NY fire department units that they all signed - it is REALLY cool and caused a lump in my throat, the pirate show, Parasol Up, Parasol Down at Wynn, and the Bellagio Conservatory. I'm sure I could come up with a million more things and I KNOW there was lots we didn't see!
Just for reference - there is more to tell but some things just can't be described - they have to be seen to be believed! ; )
Back to reality.....I'll try to get pictures posted in the next couple of days.
I have a little time here at work this afternoon, so I'll see if I can recount our trip.
First, the weather was INCREDIBLE!!!!! 70s and sunny every day and the evenings were 50s and clear. I loved it - I really tried to put it in my suitcase and bring it home....oh well, maybe my wonderful friend Bri will mail me some! :D
We flew out on Friday night and got in late (10 p.m. Las Vegas) on a rough flight that felt like a 5 year old landed it - it was rough. We got our rental car (by the way, NOT a necessity if you are visiting!) and drove to the MGM. We got checked in and went to our room that we paid a small fortune for, opened the shades and, you guessed it - a wall! At that hour, we were too tired to care so we went downstairs to walk around for a while and went to bed about 1:30.
DH got up about 6 the next morning and showered. I had a headache so I decided to sleep for a little longer while he went down to the casino.
A sidenote....if you stay at the MGM and are into contemporary - stay in the West Wing. If you're not - get a standard room!
Ok, sorry, back to my recounting of the tale.... I got up a little after 7 and took a shower and felt better. I got dressed and went downstairs to see if I could find him - ah ha! At the video blackjack machine.... We went to McD's for breakfast and called home to see how the kids were. They were good, not that we expected any different - grandma was there! We went upstairs to get my purse and headed out. We walked down one side of Las Vegas Blvd. all the way to Treasure Island, stopping and at least putting a dollar in each of the casinos, checking out the shops, hotel lobbies, etc., and back to the MGM - so we were gone all day.
We got back and checked to see if our "new" room was ready - yes. So, we went up and packed up and moved up to the 14th floor - same type of room, but with a fabulous view of the Strip. We took a short nap and got ready to go out. We went to see Ka - if you have a chance to see this show - do, it is fantastic! We went to dinner at craftsteak in our hotel - very expensive but very good. We changed and went out for another walk. We walked to Paris and went up in the Eiffel Tower - what an amazing view! I think we finally crawled into bed about 2.
Sunday we got up and drove out to Hoover Dam. THAT is impressive! It is so amazing how big it is! We stopped at the Hard Rock Hotel, Circus Circus and Rio while we had the car out and had lunch at Sonic (a treat since we don't have one around here). We went back to MGM, put the car back, changed rooms again to a standard room and went to Mandalay Bay, Luxor, Hooters and Excalibur. Then, walked down to watch the fountains at Bellagio, and the pirates at Treasure Island. We started to walk back to our hotel but DH decided it was too early to go back. So, we got the bus to Fremont Street. We were pretty disappointed in that, so we weren't there long and headed back, got McDonald's to take to our room, watched Men In Black before we fell asleep.
Another sidenote....if you don't want mind chaos - Circus Circus is fine. I had just relaxed enough at that point with no kids with us that it undid that. Kids were EVERYWHERE!!!!!!! I was very ready to go back to the "grown up" world after about 15 minutes. Don't get me wrong, I love kids but when I hadn't had to worry about them for 36 hours, it was a huge shock!
We got up yesterday and ate doughnuts sitting on the back of the couch, looking out the window at the Strip. I started crying - I couldn't believe it was over and that we were coming home that night. I wanted to stay longer. I was relaxed, I wasn't worried about the kids and how they were doing, where they were, would they behave that day. It was just DH & I - it was SO nice! We've never had that! So, we packed, checked out, did some shopping and gambling. We got gas in the rental, had lunch at Jack in the Box and stopped to take pictures of the "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign. Then, onto the airport, and home.
We had a smooth flight back but a really rough landing. Then, we waited - I am not kidding - 45 minutes for our luggage. So, we finally rolled into bed at home just after 1 a.m.
Some of my "must dos" to anyone going - the Bellagio fountains, go up in the Eiffel Tower, the fountains at Ceasears Palace, outside New York, New York is a display of t-shirts of all the NY fire department units that they all signed - it is REALLY cool and caused a lump in my throat, the pirate show, Parasol Up, Parasol Down at Wynn, and the Bellagio Conservatory. I'm sure I could come up with a million more things and I KNOW there was lots we didn't see!
Just for reference - there is more to tell but some things just can't be described - they have to be seen to be believed! ; )
Back to reality.....I'll try to get pictures posted in the next couple of days.
We're back! It is 9 a.m. - I am at work....
We got home about 1 a.m. so I'm pooped! I have some catch up to do at work and work tonight. I will post our adventures probably later tonight or tomorrow and pictures in a few days.
Bri - I waved! :D
I hope you all had a great weekend and just wanted to let you know we're back in Illinois....(sniff, sniff)
We got home about 1 a.m. so I'm pooped! I have some catch up to do at work and work tonight. I will post our adventures probably later tonight or tomorrow and pictures in a few days.
Bri - I waved! :D
I hope you all had a great weekend and just wanted to let you know we're back in Illinois....(sniff, sniff)
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Ok, fellow bloggers....
I am signing off for the weekend.
I hope you all have wonderful weekends.
I will check in later next week.
Have a great weekend!
I hope you all have wonderful weekends.
I will check in later next week.
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Tag - you're it!!!!!!
Let's see your answers to the following questions:
Have fun with these!
one. I am ____ CRAZY!
two. ____ knows me best MY HUSBAND
three. I feel ____ STRESSED
four. the most important thing in my life is _____ MY FAMILY
five. I always carry ____ MY CELL PHONE
six. I think ____ I AM READY FOR VACATION
seven. I’m at my happiest when ___ I'M HOME
eight. on a Monday morning, you can find me ___ HUNCHED OVER MY COMPUTER TRYING TO WAKE UP
nine. my favorite food ingredient is ___ SUGAR
ten. my eyes ___ ARE GREEN
eleven. my favorite material possession is ____ MY BOOKS
twelve. to relax, I like to ___ SCRAP OR READ
thirteen. the town I live in is ___ IN THE MIDDLE OF CORNFIELDS
fourteen. my worst habit is ___ PICKING MY FINGERNAILS
fifteen. my guilty pleasure is ___ STARBUCKS
sixteen. when I look at someone, the first thing I see is ___ THEIR FACE
seventeen. I think ___ A LOT OF THINGS....
eighteen. I can live without ___ LIVER AND ONIONS
nineteen. I wish I had ___ ENOUGH MONEY TO GET OUT OF DEBT
twenty. my life is ___ INTERESTING!
Have fun with these!
one. I am ____ CRAZY!
two. ____ knows me best MY HUSBAND
three. I feel ____ STRESSED
four. the most important thing in my life is _____ MY FAMILY
five. I always carry ____ MY CELL PHONE
six. I think ____ I AM READY FOR VACATION
seven. I’m at my happiest when ___ I'M HOME
eight. on a Monday morning, you can find me ___ HUNCHED OVER MY COMPUTER TRYING TO WAKE UP
nine. my favorite food ingredient is ___ SUGAR
ten. my eyes ___ ARE GREEN
eleven. my favorite material possession is ____ MY BOOKS
twelve. to relax, I like to ___ SCRAP OR READ
thirteen. the town I live in is ___ IN THE MIDDLE OF CORNFIELDS
fourteen. my worst habit is ___ PICKING MY FINGERNAILS
fifteen. my guilty pleasure is ___ STARBUCKS
sixteen. when I look at someone, the first thing I see is ___ THEIR FACE
seventeen. I think ___ A LOT OF THINGS....
eighteen. I can live without ___ LIVER AND ONIONS
nineteen. I wish I had ___ ENOUGH MONEY TO GET OUT OF DEBT
twenty. my life is ___ INTERESTING!
Tuesday Tidbits
Greetings! 3 more days until we leave....woo hoo!!!!!! Of course, do you think I'm packed....hahahahaha!!!!!! I work tonight, Wednesday and Thursday nights. Hmmm......I wonder when everything will get done.
So, I went to the resale shop last night and found a pair of jeans - that fit!!!!!!! I tried on almost 20 pairs before I found them. I walked back to the rack feeling pretty depressed and there they were, under the heavenly glow of light. I knew, just knew it. I tried them on and perfect. Now, shorts, no. Apparently, shorts makers feel that everyone is 16 and has stick legs. Excuse me, but if I wanted to wear shorts that short, I would just wear my underwear - thank you!!
I checked my order on line yesterday and they have cancelled it. Whatever! They have lost my business.
Tomorrow is our 9th anniversary. I finished DH's card last night - sssshhhhhh!!!! I can't believe it's been 9 years. I guess a blizzard brings as much good luck as rain. : )
Thank you to all who stop by here - I love seeing you! I'll try to blog one more time before we leave.
So, I went to the resale shop last night and found a pair of jeans - that fit!!!!!!! I tried on almost 20 pairs before I found them. I walked back to the rack feeling pretty depressed and there they were, under the heavenly glow of light. I knew, just knew it. I tried them on and perfect. Now, shorts, no. Apparently, shorts makers feel that everyone is 16 and has stick legs. Excuse me, but if I wanted to wear shorts that short, I would just wear my underwear - thank you!!
I checked my order on line yesterday and they have cancelled it. Whatever! They have lost my business.
Tomorrow is our 9th anniversary. I finished DH's card last night - sssshhhhhh!!!! I can't believe it's been 9 years. I guess a blizzard brings as much good luck as rain. : )
Thank you to all who stop by here - I love seeing you! I'll try to blog one more time before we leave.
Monday, November 13, 2006
I had a HELL of an afternoon on Friday. I was never so glad to see a Friday end!
I worked at the library all day on Saturday. It was pretty busy and we had a few different groups meeting there. The basement is under construction so things are all weird there and parts are closed up. It's supposed to be done by the end of this week.
When I got home from work on Saturday, my DH had a suitcase packed and said "Let's go". He had booked a night at a hotel for us and DD. We stayed at a Homewood Suites and did some shopping at Woodfield Mall.
We did Build a Bear for DD. She thought that was cool and "Pinky" has been her new best friend. She was SO good - it was a really late night on Saturday and a busy day yesterday.
I was reminded why I HATE (I do mean that in the strongest sense of the word) clothes shopping. I need a new pair of jeans. Well, the problem is, apparently I have a funny body shape. If a pair fit great in the hips, it was about 6" too big around the waist. (I know no one feels bad for me but it's aggravating!) Does everyone but me have the same size waist and hips? Just curious.... It was just so frustrating and then I just gave up because I was near tears so I'm just going to wear what I have for a while.
DS got home from DC last night. It sounds like he had a great time and I can't wait to hear more of his stories tonight. I quick glanced through the pictures he took last night and they look great!
So, happy Monday! I hope you all have a great day!
I worked at the library all day on Saturday. It was pretty busy and we had a few different groups meeting there. The basement is under construction so things are all weird there and parts are closed up. It's supposed to be done by the end of this week.
When I got home from work on Saturday, my DH had a suitcase packed and said "Let's go". He had booked a night at a hotel for us and DD. We stayed at a Homewood Suites and did some shopping at Woodfield Mall.
We did Build a Bear for DD. She thought that was cool and "Pinky" has been her new best friend. She was SO good - it was a really late night on Saturday and a busy day yesterday.
I was reminded why I HATE (I do mean that in the strongest sense of the word) clothes shopping. I need a new pair of jeans. Well, the problem is, apparently I have a funny body shape. If a pair fit great in the hips, it was about 6" too big around the waist. (I know no one feels bad for me but it's aggravating!) Does everyone but me have the same size waist and hips? Just curious.... It was just so frustrating and then I just gave up because I was near tears so I'm just going to wear what I have for a while.
DS got home from DC last night. It sounds like he had a great time and I can't wait to hear more of his stories tonight. I quick glanced through the pictures he took last night and they look great!
So, happy Monday! I hope you all have a great day!
Friday, November 10, 2006
The Saga Continues....
I called yesterday afternoon to check on my order - still have the incorrect info. Now, I admit, I wasn't very friendly with the girl on the phone but come on, it's been 4 days!!!!!!!!! She ASSURED me she would personally check on it today and make sure it gets shipped and will e-mail me. I have my doubts, but we'll see. I am about 99% sure that I won't have my stuff before we leave, which ticks me off!!!!!!
DS left for DC yesterday morning. We haven't heard from him but they have a PACKED itinerary. I can't wait to hear about it!
DD is driving us CRAZY about going to the Grand Californian and "Disneytown". UGH - May is a REALLY long way away. I wish we hadn't said anything to her about it at all.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
DS left for DC yesterday morning. We haven't heard from him but they have a PACKED itinerary. I can't wait to hear about it!
DD is driving us CRAZY about going to the Grand Californian and "Disneytown". UGH - May is a REALLY long way away. I wish we hadn't said anything to her about it at all.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
A vent & a story
Sorry, I know some of you have probably heard this.
Customer service....I worked in banks that EMPHASIZED and coached customer service like a religion. I am so disappointed when I get the "service" that is USUALLY provided.
I placed an order on-line on Sunday. I got an e-mail from the company on Monday saying that my card couldn't be authorized, so I called. I had entered the wrong expiration date - my fault, no problem. I gave her ALL my card information. She assured me the order would be shipped that day.
Today (Wednesday), I get ANOTHER e-mail saying my card can't be authorized and I have 2 days to clarify it or they will cancel my order. So, I call my bank to see what the problem is. They tell me it is for an incorrect number. I call the company. They have not changed any of the information I gave the girl on Monday. ARGH!!!!!!!!! I tell the girl that it was supposed to have been changed on Monday and I was hoping to have my order by the time we left on vacation. She took my info and said she would give it to her supervisor.
Stay tuned....
In other "news" - I DID vote yesterday. It was an agonizing process. I had to take DD with me so that was an adventure in in itself. She LOUDLY proclaimed as we walked in that the people were "hiding". Everyone in the place was rolling.... So I get my ballot and take her in the booth with me and she insists that she wants to "play your game with you". I explain quietly that it is for big people and that it's not a game, it's voting. She looked at me and said "We are boating?" and begins to sing "Row Row Row your Boat". UGH!!!!!!! I am ready to die of embarassment at this point because she is NOT quiet. When I finally finished, everyone in the place was watching us and a few of the ladies were crying they were laughing so hard. I'll probably have my voters card revoked.
I hope you all have a great day!
Customer service....I worked in banks that EMPHASIZED and coached customer service like a religion. I am so disappointed when I get the "service" that is USUALLY provided.
I placed an order on-line on Sunday. I got an e-mail from the company on Monday saying that my card couldn't be authorized, so I called. I had entered the wrong expiration date - my fault, no problem. I gave her ALL my card information. She assured me the order would be shipped that day.
Today (Wednesday), I get ANOTHER e-mail saying my card can't be authorized and I have 2 days to clarify it or they will cancel my order. So, I call my bank to see what the problem is. They tell me it is for an incorrect number. I call the company. They have not changed any of the information I gave the girl on Monday. ARGH!!!!!!!!! I tell the girl that it was supposed to have been changed on Monday and I was hoping to have my order by the time we left on vacation. She took my info and said she would give it to her supervisor.
Stay tuned....
In other "news" - I DID vote yesterday. It was an agonizing process. I had to take DD with me so that was an adventure in in itself. She LOUDLY proclaimed as we walked in that the people were "hiding". Everyone in the place was rolling.... So I get my ballot and take her in the booth with me and she insists that she wants to "play your game with you". I explain quietly that it is for big people and that it's not a game, it's voting. She looked at me and said "We are boating?" and begins to sing "Row Row Row your Boat". UGH!!!!!!! I am ready to die of embarassment at this point because she is NOT quiet. When I finally finished, everyone in the place was watching us and a few of the ladies were crying they were laughing so hard. I'll probably have my voters card revoked.
I hope you all have a great day!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
{picture me on one knee doing the fist pump}
I finished my 4 week Self Challenge and I lost 1" around my hips!!!!!!!!!!!! I am ecstatic! I started another 4 weeks for toning so hopefully our trip & Thanksgiving eating won't ruin everything....
Just wanted to share my excitiment!
I finished my 4 week Self Challenge and I lost 1" around my hips!!!!!!!!!!!! I am ecstatic! I started another 4 weeks for toning so hopefully our trip & Thanksgiving eating won't ruin everything....
Just wanted to share my excitiment!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Other Weekend Stuff
#1: See post below this....
#2: 11 more days until DH & I leave for Vegas - woo hoo!!!!!!!! I am really excited.
#3: We booked our Disneyland/L.A. trip for May. We just have to get our air when it gets closer. Look out, Mickey, here we come....
#4: I got 2 more doll outfits done.
#5: I got 3 scrapbook layouts done.
#6: Our Thanksgiving plans are coming together. The perks of having a big family, everyone is willing to bring whatever if you host...
Have a SUPER week!
#2: 11 more days until DH & I leave for Vegas - woo hoo!!!!!!!! I am really excited.
#3: We booked our Disneyland/L.A. trip for May. We just have to get our air when it gets closer. Look out, Mickey, here we come....
#4: I got 2 more doll outfits done.
#5: I got 3 scrapbook layouts done.
#6: Our Thanksgiving plans are coming together. The perks of having a big family, everyone is willing to bring whatever if you host...
Have a SUPER week!
Exciting news!
Sorry no pictures posted yet.... (I know, I know - I still have to post Halloween)
My DS was in his first karate tournament since becoming a Jr. Black Belt yesterday. He took 1st in open hand forms and 2nd in weapons forms. He looked fantastic and had a good time (the most important thing).
I will REALLY try to get pictures posted this week of everything - sorry!
I hope you all had a great weekend and have good Monday!
My DS was in his first karate tournament since becoming a Jr. Black Belt yesterday. He took 1st in open hand forms and 2nd in weapons forms. He looked fantastic and had a good time (the most important thing).
I will REALLY try to get pictures posted this week of everything - sorry!
I hope you all had a great weekend and have good Monday!
Friday, November 03, 2006
To my readers....
I love your comments and reading your blogs! Please keep visiting and keep posting to yours! I have to say - I have some FABULOUS blogging friends - thank you for being so wonderful!!!!!!
A question for you.
What is your favorite movie, TV and/or Broadway soundtrack?
I enjoy them and am always looking for different ones to listen to.
Have a GREAT Friday and wonderful weekend.
A question for you.
What is your favorite movie, TV and/or Broadway soundtrack?
I enjoy them and am always looking for different ones to listen to.
Have a GREAT Friday and wonderful weekend.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
That's it....
I am SO tired of being in scrapbook swaps and things not "being right" - I quit!!!!! It's so frustrating and humiliating!!!!!!! ARGH! In this case, the hostess was VERY kind about my not meeing all the specifications so I can not fault her for that but man....
I was in a swap a couple of months ago where the hostess sent my items back to me because they were not up their standards. Boy, you want to talk about HUMILIATING!!!!!!
Ok, I'm done.... pity party over!
I hope you are all having a good week - it's Thursday - so here comes the weekend! Have a good one!
I was in a swap a couple of months ago where the hostess sent my items back to me because they were not up their standards. Boy, you want to talk about HUMILIATING!!!!!!
Ok, I'm done.... pity party over!
I hope you are all having a good week - it's Thursday - so here comes the weekend! Have a good one!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
MAJOR breakthrough!
Yes, for those of you who aren't parents, you probably won't be quite as impressed.
BUT, DD had a little chat about her "new diapers" we bought at the store the other night. She was so excited about them and I told her I was tired of buying diapers for her and wanted to buy her big girl panties. She just said "yeah" and walked away.
This morning, she was dry when I got her dressed. I asked if she wanted to go potty and got the usual "No thank you". I asked her 2 more times getting the same response. So, she was sitting on my DH's lap and she said, "I need to go potty in the big potty". So, we went running in there and lo and behold - TA DA!!!!!!!!
So, she got lots of hugs and high fives and of course, a couple of M & Ms. I am REALLY hoping that this is the start of it.....
BUT, DD had a little chat about her "new diapers" we bought at the store the other night. She was so excited about them and I told her I was tired of buying diapers for her and wanted to buy her big girl panties. She just said "yeah" and walked away.
This morning, she was dry when I got her dressed. I asked if she wanted to go potty and got the usual "No thank you". I asked her 2 more times getting the same response. So, she was sitting on my DH's lap and she said, "I need to go potty in the big potty". So, we went running in there and lo and behold - TA DA!!!!!!!!
So, she got lots of hugs and high fives and of course, a couple of M & Ms. I am REALLY hoping that this is the start of it.....
Happy November!
Happy November!
16 days until we leave for Vegas! Woo hoo! I am SO excited! Of course, we have to get DS ready for his trip first and HE is so excited!
Trick or treating was good last night. VERY cold but good. It was about 40 with a cool breeze. DD refused her coat or pants. She was FREEZING after 20 minutes but wanted "more trick or treat", so we made it around the block. (She did wear her mittens) You know what REALLY annoys me? The high school kids that don't dress up and don't say thank you - ARGH! I just want to trip them on their way down the step. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have set a goal to complete 10 scrapbook layouts this month. We'll see if that happens... I have hardly touched that stuff and I miss my scrapping.
I also have sewing to finish up for Christmas. That will be here before we know it.
I signed up for National Novel Writing Month but have a feeling that nothing will come of that. My outline and ideas are there but seeing as how we have a crazy November, I don't think it'll happen. Maybe I'll make it a personal goal to work on it.
I got on the treadmill last night for 30 minutes and got up to do Pilates this morning (that kicked my butt). WHOA!
I hope you all have a great day and a WONDERFUL November!
Happy November!
16 days until we leave for Vegas! Woo hoo! I am SO excited! Of course, we have to get DS ready for his trip first and HE is so excited!
Trick or treating was good last night. VERY cold but good. It was about 40 with a cool breeze. DD refused her coat or pants. She was FREEZING after 20 minutes but wanted "more trick or treat", so we made it around the block. (She did wear her mittens) You know what REALLY annoys me? The high school kids that don't dress up and don't say thank you - ARGH! I just want to trip them on their way down the step. SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have set a goal to complete 10 scrapbook layouts this month. We'll see if that happens... I have hardly touched that stuff and I miss my scrapping.
I also have sewing to finish up for Christmas. That will be here before we know it.
I signed up for National Novel Writing Month but have a feeling that nothing will come of that. My outline and ideas are there but seeing as how we have a crazy November, I don't think it'll happen. Maybe I'll make it a personal goal to work on it.
I got on the treadmill last night for 30 minutes and got up to do Pilates this morning (that kicked my butt). WHOA!
I hope you all have a great day and a WONDERFUL November!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
I've been tagged!
Michele at The Writer's Vibe (see link on the right) has tagged me for 5 interesting things about me. (Mine aren't as exciting as hers!)
1. I am the oldest of 5 kids. 3 boys, 2 girls. I hold my parents in a place of honor for keeping up with all of us!!!!!!!
2. When I was in HS, I used to be able to kick high enough to kick the top of one of the doorways in our house. That flexibility is LONG gone!
3. I worked in a bank that I SWEAR was haunted. Flushing toilets in empty bathrooms, running adding machines with no one near them and standing in the copy room and feeling hairs on the back of your neck stand up and feeling like someone is watching you, turning around and no one was there. Very strange.
4. I had my DS at 19 and DD at 29. What a difference 10 years makes!
5. My hopes for myself (besides being independently wealthy and not having to work): I would like to write & have a book published and would like to run a marathon by the time I am 35.
Not exciting, but there you have it.
I am tagging:
Tag, you're it!
1. I am the oldest of 5 kids. 3 boys, 2 girls. I hold my parents in a place of honor for keeping up with all of us!!!!!!!
2. When I was in HS, I used to be able to kick high enough to kick the top of one of the doorways in our house. That flexibility is LONG gone!
3. I worked in a bank that I SWEAR was haunted. Flushing toilets in empty bathrooms, running adding machines with no one near them and standing in the copy room and feeling hairs on the back of your neck stand up and feeling like someone is watching you, turning around and no one was there. Very strange.
4. I had my DS at 19 and DD at 29. What a difference 10 years makes!
5. My hopes for myself (besides being independently wealthy and not having to work): I would like to write & have a book published and would like to run a marathon by the time I am 35.
Not exciting, but there you have it.
I am tagging:
Tag, you're it!
Monday Greetings!
Hello readers! :D
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I got my workouts in - not this morning, due to the time change - couldn't get my rear going....tonight - I SWEAR!!!!!!
Saturday, we went to the big craft show in the neighboring town for their fall festival. DD was NAUGHTY!!!!!!! So, she & I sat in the food area and listened to the kids sing. She had a donut. DH & MIL had a good time looking around, though. I took DD to my parents to "trick or treat" on Saturday afternoon - she LOVED that!!!! We had friends come for the night with their kiddos. We watched "Monster House" - not so sure about that movie! It was kind of weird....
Sunday, I got up and made breakfast for everyone - sausage, eggs, waffles, and muffins. We went to the parade. We had a GORGEOUS day. The politicians were out in FORCE! (I will be SO glad when election day is behind us....) Even Mr. Speaker of the House was there. DD LOVES the fire trucks and bands. DS's school's band went by and they stopped in front of us and our friend was sitting on the curb with him and was yelling "Ryan is right here if any of you ladies want to say hi". We were rolling and DS turned about 800 shades of red.
I have voluteered to host Thanksgiving for my dad's family. Apparently, I have lost my mind.... We talking about 40 to 45 people in our house.... I keep calling myself crazy - I think I am. I am stressed at the moment, but know that it really doesn't matter! We all just like being together. I know they will bring whatever I want them to.
Yes, the Bears won again, 7 - 0. My DH is ECSTATIC!!!!! We'll see how they do. I'm not a big football fan but support his team.
I will post parade pictures tonight or tomorrow. I hope you all have a GREAT day!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! I got my workouts in - not this morning, due to the time change - couldn't get my rear going....tonight - I SWEAR!!!!!!
Saturday, we went to the big craft show in the neighboring town for their fall festival. DD was NAUGHTY!!!!!!! So, she & I sat in the food area and listened to the kids sing. She had a donut. DH & MIL had a good time looking around, though. I took DD to my parents to "trick or treat" on Saturday afternoon - she LOVED that!!!! We had friends come for the night with their kiddos. We watched "Monster House" - not so sure about that movie! It was kind of weird....
Sunday, I got up and made breakfast for everyone - sausage, eggs, waffles, and muffins. We went to the parade. We had a GORGEOUS day. The politicians were out in FORCE! (I will be SO glad when election day is behind us....) Even Mr. Speaker of the House was there. DD LOVES the fire trucks and bands. DS's school's band went by and they stopped in front of us and our friend was sitting on the curb with him and was yelling "Ryan is right here if any of you ladies want to say hi". We were rolling and DS turned about 800 shades of red.
I have voluteered to host Thanksgiving for my dad's family. Apparently, I have lost my mind.... We talking about 40 to 45 people in our house.... I keep calling myself crazy - I think I am. I am stressed at the moment, but know that it really doesn't matter! We all just like being together. I know they will bring whatever I want them to.
Yes, the Bears won again, 7 - 0. My DH is ECSTATIC!!!!! We'll see how they do. I'm not a big football fan but support his team.
I will post parade pictures tonight or tomorrow. I hope you all have a GREAT day!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Bad me!
I stayed up late last night, reading. So, I didn't get up early enough this morning to workout....darn! My DH is coming home tonight and I work until 9, so I know I won't workout tonight either. I'll have to make sure I get up tomorrow. I guess this will be my "day off" this week. I am starting see some results, though, so that is motivation to me to keep going.
I got a scrapbook page completed last night (I'll post later).
DD had a bad morning. She went trick or treating last night with my MIL and was up too late. THEN, "her daddy" wasn't there this morning so that just started things off wrong.... I left her at daycare in hysterics.... I felt like SUCH a bad mommy! I hate leaving her like that but I had to.
DS has been a HUGE help this week with DH gone. He is at such a great age for that. DD worships him, so that helps too.
Hope you all have a great day!
I got a scrapbook page completed last night (I'll post later).
DD had a bad morning. She went trick or treating last night with my MIL and was up too late. THEN, "her daddy" wasn't there this morning so that just started things off wrong.... I left her at daycare in hysterics.... I felt like SUCH a bad mommy! I hate leaving her like that but I had to.
DS has been a HUGE help this week with DH gone. He is at such a great age for that. DD worships him, so that helps too.
Hope you all have a great day!
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Happy "Hump Day"
Happy Wednesday! How is everyone doing this week? We all seem to finally be over our colds here.... YEA!!!!!!!!!
I sat down to scrap last night - nothing! I had nothing! I had my stuff out to work on my page - no mojo.... I was so bummed! I gave up and went upstairs to read. Even with the kids here, the house seems so big....
I got up this morning for some light weight lifting and will get on the treadmill after work tonight.
I hope you all have a great day!
I sat down to scrap last night - nothing! I had nothing! I had my stuff out to work on my page - no mojo.... I was so bummed! I gave up and went upstairs to read. Even with the kids here, the house seems so big....
I got up this morning for some light weight lifting and will get on the treadmill after work tonight.
I hope you all have a great day!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The Journal of Mortifying Moments
This book cracked me up! Believe me, your worst "guy" moments can't be as bad as Kerry Spence's. I was sucked into this "chic lit" in no time. Easy, great read!
Still on a high from my upcoming trip!!!!! DH hasn't stopped smiling! I am SO excited to go and that month seems SOOOOOO long!
2 PEAS CHALLENGE: Something you did a child that you no longer do....
I don't have my sibling to pick on. No, just kidding.... I was on the pom pom squad in HS - still miss it, 15 years later.... I used to be able to kick high enough to kick the top of the doorway in our house. THAT doesn't happen any more....
We had a nice weekend:
Saturday we went to the university homecoming/town 150th anniversary parade. It was chilly (upper 40s) but sunny so we were ok. The kids came home with almost 5 pounds of candy!!!!!!! When we got home, DH & I worked in the yard - he mowed and I cut down all the dead stuff. It looks so naked in front of the house now.... I hate winter!!!!!!!
Sunday was cold and gray! We cleaned the house - it looks SO much better!!!! DH helped and DS watched DD - which was a HUGE help! Then we took naps in the afternoon. I finished my book (review to come later...) and did a few digital layouts.
Yesterday was Monday. Need I say more? ; )
DH left this morning to work at my boss' summer home for a few days. I will be hoping to get a little sewing and scrapping done at night when the kids go to bed - I never sleep well when he's gone.
I have worked out every day since Friday. I am pretty pleased with myself. Fit TV rocks!!!!! We have On Demand and that has an awesome selection of workouts.
One more thing, Fisher Price RAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG - I called them last week to complain about one of our DD's toys and they sent us a whole new one. THAT is customer service! Thank you, Fisher Price!
Hope you all have a great week!
2 PEAS CHALLENGE: Something you did a child that you no longer do....
I don't have my sibling to pick on. No, just kidding.... I was on the pom pom squad in HS - still miss it, 15 years later.... I used to be able to kick high enough to kick the top of the doorway in our house. THAT doesn't happen any more....
We had a nice weekend:
Saturday we went to the university homecoming/town 150th anniversary parade. It was chilly (upper 40s) but sunny so we were ok. The kids came home with almost 5 pounds of candy!!!!!!! When we got home, DH & I worked in the yard - he mowed and I cut down all the dead stuff. It looks so naked in front of the house now.... I hate winter!!!!!!!
Sunday was cold and gray! We cleaned the house - it looks SO much better!!!! DH helped and DS watched DD - which was a HUGE help! Then we took naps in the afternoon. I finished my book (review to come later...) and did a few digital layouts.
Yesterday was Monday. Need I say more? ; )
DH left this morning to work at my boss' summer home for a few days. I will be hoping to get a little sewing and scrapping done at night when the kids go to bed - I never sleep well when he's gone.
I have worked out every day since Friday. I am pretty pleased with myself. Fit TV rocks!!!!! We have On Demand and that has an awesome selection of workouts.
One more thing, Fisher Price RAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG - I called them last week to complain about one of our DD's toys and they sent us a whole new one. THAT is customer service! Thank you, Fisher Price!
Hope you all have a great week!
Friday, October 20, 2006
Viva Las Vegas!
So, DH & I got a "happy hair" yesterday and decided to go away for our anniversary next month. We're going to Vegas. No kids, just us - we haven't done that in ages! I am REALLY excited! We just need to reconnect, recharge and relax a little. I feel like we've kind of drifted apart a little with our work schedules and the kids. He's been before but this will be a first for me.
Of course, that means I only have a little less than a month to get in shape....
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course, that means I only have a little less than a month to get in shape....
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
The Weekend is almost here!
It's Thursday! {and the angels sing}
Work has been VERY slow this week....ugh!
My workouts - less than stellar. I did Pilates yesterday but am taking today off from exercise. My plan is treadmill for the rest of the weekend. (IF it's nice, outside running)
So, what are your plans for the weekend? Mine is clean our house top to bottom, corners, baseboards, etc, etc, etc.... We were HOPING to to go Boo at the Zoo but it doesn't look like the weather will be real cooperative.
It's been a relatively quiet week at home too. Couple more insurance things to deal with but that's it.
Have a great weekend!
Work has been VERY slow this week....ugh!
My workouts - less than stellar. I did Pilates yesterday but am taking today off from exercise. My plan is treadmill for the rest of the weekend. (IF it's nice, outside running)
So, what are your plans for the weekend? Mine is clean our house top to bottom, corners, baseboards, etc, etc, etc.... We were HOPING to to go Boo at the Zoo but it doesn't look like the weather will be real cooperative.
It's been a relatively quiet week at home too. Couple more insurance things to deal with but that's it.
Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Chicago Sports
Ok, so the Bears!!!!!!! WOW! We fell asleep half way through the 3rd quarter. So we missed all the good stuff. I couldn't believe it when I heard they had won. DH is ECSTATIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The highlights were amazing. (Not a football fan, but I sit and watch pieces of games with hubby)
Ok, so the Cubs!!!!!! UGH! They are expected (read - signed, sealed, delivered) to announce Lou Pinella as the manager today. I am NOT happy about this. 3 years we will have to deal with this man - he better do something about my team!
The Chicago Marathon is this weekend. I've never been but someday we'll go down and watch.
I got on the treadmill last night for 30 minutes and ran 20 of it - whew! My legs are begging for mercy today....
Ok, sorry - done for now.
Go Bears!
Ok, so the Cubs!!!!!! UGH! They are expected (read - signed, sealed, delivered) to announce Lou Pinella as the manager today. I am NOT happy about this. 3 years we will have to deal with this man - he better do something about my team!
The Chicago Marathon is this weekend. I've never been but someday we'll go down and watch.
I got on the treadmill last night for 30 minutes and ran 20 of it - whew! My legs are begging for mercy today....
Ok, sorry - done for now.
Go Bears!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Insurance - grrrr!!!!!
It's a VERY dark, gloomy Monday here - rain until tomorrow night. Hello Autumn!
Nothing like ruining a weekend - we got a letter from our health insurance company on Saturday that they will not pay any of DH's claims until they have a complete history for the past 5 years on him. UMMMMMM - hello? Dumbheads? We just did that 2 months ago when we signed up. Check your records! This is SO irritating!!!!!!!! Plus, I'm sure they'll try to weasel their way out of paying them. I am so frustrated!
I got some sewing done this weekend. I am hoping to finish another doll dress tonight and I have more to cut out after that.
So, here's a good story for you.... DD & I went to Wal Mart to get groceries yesterday morning (8ish) and there was a kid (11-13 years old) with his dad. This kid was in the middle of the aisle - THROWING A FIT!!!!!!! Like, all out, like a 3 year old throwing a fit over not getting some kind of chips. I would have knocked that kid down so fast.... I couldn't believe it! Excuse me, how old are you???? DD just looked at the kid like he was crazy! I had to laugh at her reaction.
I hope you all have a great day!
Nothing like ruining a weekend - we got a letter from our health insurance company on Saturday that they will not pay any of DH's claims until they have a complete history for the past 5 years on him. UMMMMMM - hello? Dumbheads? We just did that 2 months ago when we signed up. Check your records! This is SO irritating!!!!!!!! Plus, I'm sure they'll try to weasel their way out of paying them. I am so frustrated!
I got some sewing done this weekend. I am hoping to finish another doll dress tonight and I have more to cut out after that.
So, here's a good story for you.... DD & I went to Wal Mart to get groceries yesterday morning (8ish) and there was a kid (11-13 years old) with his dad. This kid was in the middle of the aisle - THROWING A FIT!!!!!!! Like, all out, like a 3 year old throwing a fit over not getting some kind of chips. I would have knocked that kid down so fast.... I couldn't believe it! Excuse me, how old are you???? DD just looked at the kid like he was crazy! I had to laugh at her reaction.
I hope you all have a great day!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Digital layouts
Friday, October 13, 2006
Happy Friday the 13th!
I just wanted to drop a couple random thoughts....
First, my friend had her baby yesterday - A GIRL!!!!!!!!!! I went to see them at lunch. I couldn't resist! She's so cute and mom is doing great!
Second, my friend Robin's b-day is today - have a great day, girlfriend! Miss you!!!!!!
Third, I did my third day in a row on the treadmill. I'm feeling a little better. Now as long as I stick with it over the weekend....
Fourth, I want to wish you all a great weekend!
First, my friend had her baby yesterday - A GIRL!!!!!!!!!! I went to see them at lunch. I couldn't resist! She's so cute and mom is doing great!
Second, my friend Robin's b-day is today - have a great day, girlfriend! Miss you!!!!!!
Third, I did my third day in a row on the treadmill. I'm feeling a little better. Now as long as I stick with it over the weekend....
Fourth, I want to wish you all a great weekend!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I got up early again and hit the treadmill - woo hoo! This might become a habit...
Then, my morning took a turn - I had to wake up our DD. UGH! Not a good morning - she cried about everything from having to get up to breakfast to the pants I picked out for her to wear. SHE'S 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are her teen years going to be like? She was screaming bloody murder when I left daycare - GUILT!!!!!!!!
Then, it started snowing - yes, SNOWING!!! Like, sticking to the ground, the bushes in front of our office are white, snowing. What the heck is this????? It's October 12, Mother Nature, NOT December 12. Check your calendar....
Anyway, I hope you all have a great day!
Then, my morning took a turn - I had to wake up our DD. UGH! Not a good morning - she cried about everything from having to get up to breakfast to the pants I picked out for her to wear. SHE'S 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are her teen years going to be like? She was screaming bloody murder when I left daycare - GUILT!!!!!!!!
Then, it started snowing - yes, SNOWING!!! Like, sticking to the ground, the bushes in front of our office are white, snowing. What the heck is this????? It's October 12, Mother Nature, NOT December 12. Check your calendar....
Anyway, I hope you all have a great day!
I got up early again and hit the treadmill - woo hoo! This might become a habit...
Then, my morning took a turn - I had to wake up our DD. UGH! Not a good morning - she cried about everything from having to get up to breakfast to the pants I picked out for her to wear. SHE'S 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are her teen years going to be like? She was screaming bloody murder when I left daycare - GUILT!!!!!!!!
Then, it started snowing - yes, SNOWING!!! Like, sticking to the ground, the bushes in front of our office are white, snowing. What the heck is this????? It's October 12, Mother Nature, NOT December 12. Check your calendar....
Anyway, I hope you all have a great day!
Then, my morning took a turn - I had to wake up our DD. UGH! Not a good morning - she cried about everything from having to get up to breakfast to the pants I picked out for her to wear. SHE'S 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are her teen years going to be like? She was screaming bloody murder when I left daycare - GUILT!!!!!!!!
Then, it started snowing - yes, SNOWING!!! Like, sticking to the ground, the bushes in front of our office are white, snowing. What the heck is this????? It's October 12, Mother Nature, NOT December 12. Check your calendar....
Anyway, I hope you all have a great day!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
We went to daycare open house last night. And as I watched these great 2 and 3 year olds singing and dancing for all of us, I realized, we lose the innocence! There they were doing their "show" without a care in the world and not even noticing that their parents and grandparents were watching them. When do we change? Why can't adults dance in the aisle of a store or on the sidewalk without someone thinking you're "weird"? I personally love going to the store and seeing someone dancing and/or singing and/or being silly - they're having fun and enjoying life!!!!!!
Why can't we not care if someone sees us having fun?
Why do we care what other people think?
So, go ahead, act silly - have fun!!!! You only live once! :D
And to toot my own horn a little, I got up extra early today - did 20 minutes on the treadmill and 15 minutes with some light weights. Toot, toot!!!!!!!! Sorry, I'm just really pumped about it.
Have a GREAT day!
Why can't we not care if someone sees us having fun?
Why do we care what other people think?
So, go ahead, act silly - have fun!!!! You only live once! :D
And to toot my own horn a little, I got up extra early today - did 20 minutes on the treadmill and 15 minutes with some light weights. Toot, toot!!!!!!!! Sorry, I'm just really pumped about it.
Have a GREAT day!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
"Modern Parenting"
That's what my brother called it when he stopped by last night....
DD was sitting at the counter and asked for a sucker. I told her no and she started to whine and throw a fit and I told her if she was going to pout she was going to spend some time in her room. She was quiet for a couple of minutes, then she said "I need to go to my room." So, I got her down and she went to her room where she sat for 10 minutes on her bed. Apparently, she felt a tantrum coming on....
My brother & I were laughing when she was upstairs. She had NEVER done that. My brother said I should teach that as a class. Yeah, right!
Kids - they make life interesting!
DD was sitting at the counter and asked for a sucker. I told her no and she started to whine and throw a fit and I told her if she was going to pout she was going to spend some time in her room. She was quiet for a couple of minutes, then she said "I need to go to my room." So, I got her down and she went to her room where she sat for 10 minutes on her bed. Apparently, she felt a tantrum coming on....
My brother & I were laughing when she was upstairs. She had NEVER done that. My brother said I should teach that as a class. Yeah, right!
Kids - they make life interesting!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Sunday is over...
Monday, Mondy - we're back again!
I went for a walk with DD yesterday - a little over a mile. I have decided, finally, that it is time to get back into a regular exercise routine! I am tired of feeling BLAH and flabby. I could use all the encouragement I can get.... What inspired me? Well, besides feeling blech for the past year, I found pictures of me the summer before I got preggers with DD and I looked good.... I want that again. I'm not much of a runner but the 2 years that I did "run" (yes, I use that term loosely) I looked and felt good.
Lesson learned yesterday - when someone tells you, "you might not want to stand there", you might not want to stand there! DH was trimming our yard yesterday, said those words to me but did I Iisten? NOPE!!!!! Big DUH to me! I ended up taking a rock to the face. Just a small bruise on my lip from that - luckily! From now on, I will heed those words of advice!!!!!!!!
Hope you all have a wonderful week!
I went for a walk with DD yesterday - a little over a mile. I have decided, finally, that it is time to get back into a regular exercise routine! I am tired of feeling BLAH and flabby. I could use all the encouragement I can get.... What inspired me? Well, besides feeling blech for the past year, I found pictures of me the summer before I got preggers with DD and I looked good.... I want that again. I'm not much of a runner but the 2 years that I did "run" (yes, I use that term loosely) I looked and felt good.
Lesson learned yesterday - when someone tells you, "you might not want to stand there", you might not want to stand there! DH was trimming our yard yesterday, said those words to me but did I Iisten? NOPE!!!!! Big DUH to me! I ended up taking a rock to the face. Just a small bruise on my lip from that - luckily! From now on, I will heed those words of advice!!!!!!!!
Hope you all have a wonderful week!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Book Recommendation

I LOVED this book! It was not at all what I expected it would be but I enjoyed every single page. Her descriptions and stories are so full of life - I was taken there! Let me tell you, the desire to go to Italy is even stronger now! :) I have not seen the movie yet but now I can (I wanted to read first). I hope if you haven't read this - you do - it is a wonderful memoir of their renovation and time in Tuscany.
Friday, October 06, 2006
My #34
My #34 ---- http://chicago.cubs.mlb.com/NASApp/mlb/team/player.jsp?player_id=134268
On the topic of baseball - yes, still..... (to those of you reading with teams in the post-season - good luck to them!)
I love my beloved #34 - no, not Roger Clemens or Nolan Ryan. Although they are fabulous baseball players! I am talking about Kerry Wood. (See link above) Now, while I *heart* him, he has not done much for my beloved Cubbies the past few seasons, which is sad for me. (You could ask DH about my obsession with him....) It may be time for him to give it up or move on to another team, but with his history of injuries - I don't know who would sign him. I have met him a couple of times at the Cubs Convention and just think he & his wife are a couple of the sweetest people in the world. He even autographed my jersey, which I will forever treasure. As a team fan, I would not be sad to see him go (especially for the money he made this past year for doing nothing), as a personal fan, it would be a sad day.
As the armchair GM - SEND HIM PACKING!!!!!!!!!!!!
As his personal cheerleader - at least let him wear the uniform and run around the field a little - just so I can have a look-see....
Ok, signing off so I can wipe the drool off my keyboard.... GO CUBS!!!!!!!
On the topic of baseball - yes, still..... (to those of you reading with teams in the post-season - good luck to them!)
I love my beloved #34 - no, not Roger Clemens or Nolan Ryan. Although they are fabulous baseball players! I am talking about Kerry Wood. (See link above) Now, while I *heart* him, he has not done much for my beloved Cubbies the past few seasons, which is sad for me. (You could ask DH about my obsession with him....) It may be time for him to give it up or move on to another team, but with his history of injuries - I don't know who would sign him. I have met him a couple of times at the Cubs Convention and just think he & his wife are a couple of the sweetest people in the world. He even autographed my jersey, which I will forever treasure. As a team fan, I would not be sad to see him go (especially for the money he made this past year for doing nothing), as a personal fan, it would be a sad day.
As the armchair GM - SEND HIM PACKING!!!!!!!!!!!!
As his personal cheerleader - at least let him wear the uniform and run around the field a little - just so I can have a look-see....
Ok, signing off so I can wipe the drool off my keyboard.... GO CUBS!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Just Another Day in Paradise
Ah, yes....another one of THOSE days....
We were talking about my co-worker's daughter's new glasses and how long we thought it would take for her to break them. Well, guess who picked up HER daughter at daycare and whose daughter had tape on her glasses.... YEP! My darling daughter had broken her glasses. So, off we went to Pearle to order her new ones. There went the money I had set aside for my haircut. Oh, well! So, they are supposed to be in today or tomorrow and in the mean time, DH duct taped them together so they should hold.
And now, from your baseball armchair General Manager - the Cubs FINALLY got rid of Dusty! There was much joyful dancing at our house Monday night! AND Andy McPhail stepped down, too. How much better does it get? I can tell you a bunch of players I would like to see them let go and some managerial choices (namely, Joe Girardi) that they should hire. I'll keep you updated over the winter - if you care....
Not much else is new and "exciting". I hope you're all having a good week!
We were talking about my co-worker's daughter's new glasses and how long we thought it would take for her to break them. Well, guess who picked up HER daughter at daycare and whose daughter had tape on her glasses.... YEP! My darling daughter had broken her glasses. So, off we went to Pearle to order her new ones. There went the money I had set aside for my haircut. Oh, well! So, they are supposed to be in today or tomorrow and in the mean time, DH duct taped them together so they should hold.
And now, from your baseball armchair General Manager - the Cubs FINALLY got rid of Dusty! There was much joyful dancing at our house Monday night! AND Andy McPhail stepped down, too. How much better does it get? I can tell you a bunch of players I would like to see them let go and some managerial choices (namely, Joe Girardi) that they should hire. I'll keep you updated over the winter - if you care....
Not much else is new and "exciting". I hope you're all having a good week!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
Ok, I have to brag about DH - AGAIN! He came to work today (he has the day off) to take me to lunch. Granted, we went to McD's but we went - BY OURSELVES!!!!!!!! It was wonderful to talk without being interrupted. He opened ALL the doors for me - something he hasn't done in ages. I told him thank you a million times, I just hope he knows how much these "little" things mean to me.
Monday ramblings!
Just some random thoughts to share....
My DH is the best!!!!!! He has worked EASILY about 60 hours the last week and was still very attentive to me. He filled my gas tank yesterday, just because. He took us out for dinner and ice cream on Friday night.
I have some fabulous on-line friends! They are SO willing to care and listen and I love them for that! Thanks!!!!
The weather here was beautiful this weekend - 80 and sunny. I had all weekend off and enjoyed as much as I could. Should be another nice day today and tomorrow, then back to fall on Wednesday.
DD is really acting up lately - hitting, throwing things, sassing....argh! I am about at the end of my rope with her.
DS has been a HUGE help to DH working on some of these houses. He's earning a little money and learning the "trade" from his dad.
I got NO sewing done this weekend and Christmas is coming! I'm starting to feel a little stressed.
My house is clean - that is the one thing I did manage to get done this weekend....
Other than this random bits....nothing! Have a WONDERFUL week!
My DH is the best!!!!!! He has worked EASILY about 60 hours the last week and was still very attentive to me. He filled my gas tank yesterday, just because. He took us out for dinner and ice cream on Friday night.
I have some fabulous on-line friends! They are SO willing to care and listen and I love them for that! Thanks!!!!
The weather here was beautiful this weekend - 80 and sunny. I had all weekend off and enjoyed as much as I could. Should be another nice day today and tomorrow, then back to fall on Wednesday.
DD is really acting up lately - hitting, throwing things, sassing....argh! I am about at the end of my rope with her.
DS has been a HUGE help to DH working on some of these houses. He's earning a little money and learning the "trade" from his dad.
I got NO sewing done this weekend and Christmas is coming! I'm starting to feel a little stressed.
My house is clean - that is the one thing I did manage to get done this weekend....
Other than this random bits....nothing! Have a WONDERFUL week!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Flip your calendars...
Well, another month is upon us!!!! HAPPY OCTOBER EVERYONE!!!!!!!
I hope you have a great month and hope to hear from you!
I hope you have a great month and hope to hear from you!
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Who is Jen?
I thought I would take a little look at myself last night. I am a lot of things:

I am madly in love with my husband.
My kids are the best!
I am addicted to scrapbooking.
I love to curl up with a good book.
I am not a good housekeeper.
I cry at movies.
I LOVE the Chicago Cubs, although they break my heart every year.
I like Snickers bars.
Broccoli is my favorite vegetable (with cheese, please).
I am a good friend.
I am caring and compassionate.
I love Grey's Anatomy and the dancing "reality" shows.
My favorite all time movies are: Wizard of Oz, Grease, Better Off Dead, The Breakfast Club, 16 Candles.
I am the oldest of 5 kids.
I'm a farm girl who moved to town when I got married.
I'm sure there's more, but that's what I come up with at the moment. I'd love to see "who you are". If you post a comment, tag - you're it!
Have a GREAT weekend!

I am madly in love with my husband.
My kids are the best!
I am addicted to scrapbooking.
I love to curl up with a good book.
I am not a good housekeeper.
I cry at movies.
I LOVE the Chicago Cubs, although they break my heart every year.
I like Snickers bars.
Broccoli is my favorite vegetable (with cheese, please).
I am a good friend.
I am caring and compassionate.
I love Grey's Anatomy and the dancing "reality" shows.
My favorite all time movies are: Wizard of Oz, Grease, Better Off Dead, The Breakfast Club, 16 Candles.
I am the oldest of 5 kids.
I'm a farm girl who moved to town when I got married.
I'm sure there's more, but that's what I come up with at the moment. I'd love to see "who you are". If you post a comment, tag - you're it!
Have a GREAT weekend!
Friday, September 29, 2006
I am SO thankful this week is over. Work has been SO stressful! I actually have the whole weekend off - woo hoo!!!!! I will be cleaning the house tomorrow - ugh but it SO needs it. Sunday, I am hoping to catch up on some blogs, sew some doll clothes and HOPEFULLY read and/or write.
Speaking of writing, I woke up the other night with an idea for a story. I am outlining it and am really "feeling" this one. I am SO excited about it!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Speaking of writing, I woke up the other night with an idea for a story. I am outlining it and am really "feeling" this one. I am SO excited about it!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Bleeding Cubbie blue
So regular season baseball is almost over. I am sort of sad because I know it's going to be warm while baseball is being played. Ok, MOST of the season.... BUT, let me also say this....after this DISMAL season, I am kind of glad it's going to end. My Cubbies have let me down, yet again! It's been a frustrating season. I am hoping this winter will bring some MAJOR changes for the team - it's needed.
Now, I know my Sox fans friends will have no sympathy but I just had to give off a small vent about my beloved team.
Until February....
Now, I know my Sox fans friends will have no sympathy but I just had to give off a small vent about my beloved team.
Until February....
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
A Pretty Good Read
Monday, September 25, 2006
Random blah blah blahs
Nothing real exciting around here...
1. The weather was wonderful today after a rainy, chilly weekend. Blech! It looks like more rain coming in.
2. I saw my sister yesterday for the first time in MONTHS. It was fun to visit. Will she ever set a wedding date? Who knows.... ;)
3. I am enjoying working at the library. It's a very different environment from Hallmark.
4. I wrote about 5 more pages of my book this weekend. I don't know if it will ever amount to anything, but I'm having fun writing it.
5. DH finished his antibiotics last night and I'm hoping things clear up and he feels better soon!
6. I started working out again yesterday - a little yoga and my back and neck feel SO much better! I've got to make sure I do it more regularly.
7. I have met SO many wonderful friends on-line and always hope to have the chance to meet them in person someday.
8. To my blogging friends - keep bloggin, I keep reading!
1. The weather was wonderful today after a rainy, chilly weekend. Blech! It looks like more rain coming in.
2. I saw my sister yesterday for the first time in MONTHS. It was fun to visit. Will she ever set a wedding date? Who knows.... ;)
3. I am enjoying working at the library. It's a very different environment from Hallmark.
4. I wrote about 5 more pages of my book this weekend. I don't know if it will ever amount to anything, but I'm having fun writing it.
5. DH finished his antibiotics last night and I'm hoping things clear up and he feels better soon!
6. I started working out again yesterday - a little yoga and my back and neck feel SO much better! I've got to make sure I do it more regularly.
7. I have met SO many wonderful friends on-line and always hope to have the chance to meet them in person someday.
8. To my blogging friends - keep bloggin, I keep reading!
Friday, September 22, 2006
I've been tagged!
Thanks, Melissa!
4 Jobs I have had:
1. Clean up at a country club
2. Nursing home laundry
3. Bank teller
4. Retail clerk
4 movies I have watched over and over:
2.Dirty Dancing
3.Better Off Dead
4.The Breakfast Club
4 places I have lived:
1.Shabbona, IL
2.Paw Paw, IL
3.Normal, IL
4.DeKalb, IL
4 TV shows I like to watch:
1.Grey's Anatomy!!
3.Desperate Housewives
4 Places I have been on Vacation:
1.Orlando, FL
2.Anaheim, CA
3.Gatlinburg, TN
4.Ft. Myers, FL
4 of my favorite foods:
1.Chocolate chip cookies
3.Snickers bars
4.A little bit of Mexican
4 places I rather be right now:
1.At a beach listening to the waves and smelling the salty air..pure bliss
3.Sitting next to a mountain lake
4 people I am tagging:
4 Jobs I have had:
1. Clean up at a country club
2. Nursing home laundry
3. Bank teller
4. Retail clerk
4 movies I have watched over and over:
2.Dirty Dancing
3.Better Off Dead
4.The Breakfast Club
4 places I have lived:
1.Shabbona, IL
2.Paw Paw, IL
3.Normal, IL
4.DeKalb, IL
4 TV shows I like to watch:
1.Grey's Anatomy!!
3.Desperate Housewives
4 Places I have been on Vacation:
1.Orlando, FL
2.Anaheim, CA
3.Gatlinburg, TN
4.Ft. Myers, FL
4 of my favorite foods:
1.Chocolate chip cookies
3.Snickers bars
4.A little bit of Mexican
4 places I rather be right now:
1.At a beach listening to the waves and smelling the salty air..pure bliss
3.Sitting next to a mountain lake
4 people I am tagging:
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Weekend recap
It's Tuesday and I'm recapping our weekend.
We headed out of town on Friday afternoon. Now, anyone who has tried to cross the IL/IN state line on 80/94 at rush hour knows the aggravation. UGH!!!!!! So, we got to our hotel a little later than planned. The DVD player in the van took a poo on us on the way there so DD was a little ticked about that. Anyway, we went to the drive in theater to see "Wizard of Oz". Our daughter LOVED watching it on the BIG screen. We also saw "Invicible" with it - that was pretty good!
Saturday, we checked out, had breakfast at the Bob Evans next to the hotel and headed to the Festival. The weather was AMAZING!!!!! 80 and sunny. Perfect! Now, it has been 3 years since we went the last time and they have moved it from downtown Chesterton to the fairgrounds there. I was pretty disappointed in the parade. There were several crafters and lots of food though! : ) We went out to the van and took naps for a couple of hours then brought DD back into the festival for the Glinda contest. By far she was the littlest one and she was SUCH a ham!!!! She smiled and waved like a little parade queen. DS just laughed at her. He was such a good sport for going because I think he was bored out of his mind.
We left Chesterton around 5 and headed into Chicago for a couple of hours. We visited Hershey Place - that was pretty cool! We have about 6 pounds of chocolate that followed us home too.... We went into American Girl Place just to look around. We stayed in Rosemont.
Sunday we went to the Cubs game - they won!!!!!!!!!!! 11-3!!!!!!!!!! It was so nice to go to a game that they actually won. We had a great time and the weather held up until we got out of the park. As soon as we stepped out the gate (I SWEAR!) the skies opened up!!!!!!! We got out the umbrellas and fought the downpour on the way to the van. We were soaking wet by the time we got there. Then, while DH & DS went to find a bathroom and I got DD in the carseat and dried off as best I could, I discovered the driver's side window had been left open! ARGH!!!!!!! Besides the fact that everything was soaked, DH is lucky that everything was still in the van!
I will post pictures of our weekend later. We had a really busy but fun weekend.
We headed out of town on Friday afternoon. Now, anyone who has tried to cross the IL/IN state line on 80/94 at rush hour knows the aggravation. UGH!!!!!! So, we got to our hotel a little later than planned. The DVD player in the van took a poo on us on the way there so DD was a little ticked about that. Anyway, we went to the drive in theater to see "Wizard of Oz". Our daughter LOVED watching it on the BIG screen. We also saw "Invicible" with it - that was pretty good!
Saturday, we checked out, had breakfast at the Bob Evans next to the hotel and headed to the Festival. The weather was AMAZING!!!!! 80 and sunny. Perfect! Now, it has been 3 years since we went the last time and they have moved it from downtown Chesterton to the fairgrounds there. I was pretty disappointed in the parade. There were several crafters and lots of food though! : ) We went out to the van and took naps for a couple of hours then brought DD back into the festival for the Glinda contest. By far she was the littlest one and she was SUCH a ham!!!! She smiled and waved like a little parade queen. DS just laughed at her. He was such a good sport for going because I think he was bored out of his mind.
We left Chesterton around 5 and headed into Chicago for a couple of hours. We visited Hershey Place - that was pretty cool! We have about 6 pounds of chocolate that followed us home too.... We went into American Girl Place just to look around. We stayed in Rosemont.
Sunday we went to the Cubs game - they won!!!!!!!!!!! 11-3!!!!!!!!!! It was so nice to go to a game that they actually won. We had a great time and the weather held up until we got out of the park. As soon as we stepped out the gate (I SWEAR!) the skies opened up!!!!!!! We got out the umbrellas and fought the downpour on the way to the van. We were soaking wet by the time we got there. Then, while DH & DS went to find a bathroom and I got DD in the carseat and dried off as best I could, I discovered the driver's side window had been left open! ARGH!!!!!!! Besides the fact that everything was soaked, DH is lucky that everything was still in the van!
I will post pictures of our weekend later. We had a really busy but fun weekend.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
We're off to see the wizard!
We are going to the Wizard of Oz Festival this weekend. We went a few years ago and it was fun! DD LOVES the movie so I'm very excited to take her!
This is her in her costume for the Glinda Look a Like Contest:

We are going to the Cubs game on Sunday. UGH! I'm sure they'll lose - it has been a miserable season and I can't wait for it to end and hope that they pick up someone(s) worthy in the off season!
This is her in her costume for the Glinda Look a Like Contest:

We are going to the Cubs game on Sunday. UGH! I'm sure they'll lose - it has been a miserable season and I can't wait for it to end and hope that they pick up someone(s) worthy in the off season!
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
5 Things
The last 5 movies you saw:
1. Dirty Dancing
2. Toy Story
3. The Other Sister
4. For Love of the Game
5. The Incredibles
The last 5 things you ate:
1. Chocolate pudding
2. Chicken noodle soup
3. M & Ms
4. Granola bar
5. Apple
Your favorite 5 songs:
1. Life Ain't Always Beautiful
2. Anything by Kenny Chesney
3. Beverly Hills
4. A geez....I'll have to think
5. Same as #4
Your favorite 5 TV shows (of all time):
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Friends
3. American Dreams
4. So You Think You Can Dance
5. Brady Bunch
5 things you might not know about me:
1. My middle name is Michelle.
2. My HS graduating class was 22 people.
3. I was a single mom for 4 years.
4. I taught myself how to crochet.
5. I am the oldest of 5.
I am tagging all who read this - what are your "5 Things"?
1. Dirty Dancing
2. Toy Story
3. The Other Sister
4. For Love of the Game
5. The Incredibles
The last 5 things you ate:
1. Chocolate pudding
2. Chicken noodle soup
3. M & Ms
4. Granola bar
5. Apple
Your favorite 5 songs:
1. Life Ain't Always Beautiful
2. Anything by Kenny Chesney
3. Beverly Hills
4. A geez....I'll have to think
5. Same as #4
Your favorite 5 TV shows (of all time):
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Friends
3. American Dreams
4. So You Think You Can Dance
5. Brady Bunch
5 things you might not know about me:
1. My middle name is Michelle.
2. My HS graduating class was 22 people.
3. I was a single mom for 4 years.
4. I taught myself how to crochet.
5. I am the oldest of 5.
I am tagging all who read this - what are your "5 Things"?
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Where Were You When the World Stopped Turning?
It's what country singer, Alan Jackson asked in his song after September 11, 2001. I will NEVER forget where I was!
I was driving to work when the news of the first plane came on the radio. As I pulled in and parked my car, the second plane hit. As soon as I walked in the door, about 4 pairs of hands grabbed me and pulled me to the TV. I couldn't believe what I was seeing!!!!!
Unfortunately, there was a meeting scheduled in the room where the only TV was, so we huddled around this little radio someone had in the lobby and listened as all the events unfolded. It was so surreal!!!!!
There were no customers that day but headquarters wouldn't let us leave. (I still have the e-mails they sent out.)
When I got home that night, it was all that we could find on TV. I finally cried when my DS told me good night and said he loved me. Watching the footage over and over of the people running, was just so unbelieveable to me.
After 3 days of watching the news all night, I couldn't take it anymore. I meant no disrespect to any of the victims, but it was just too much. I remember sitting in our bedroom and watching the funniest movie I could think of and laughing my head off. I think it was a release for me because I felt a little better the next day.
I will never forget those victims or their loved ones. God bless you all! God bless all our fire fighters, police officers and medical personnel. And we should never forget our service people serving our great country!
I was driving to work when the news of the first plane came on the radio. As I pulled in and parked my car, the second plane hit. As soon as I walked in the door, about 4 pairs of hands grabbed me and pulled me to the TV. I couldn't believe what I was seeing!!!!!
Unfortunately, there was a meeting scheduled in the room where the only TV was, so we huddled around this little radio someone had in the lobby and listened as all the events unfolded. It was so surreal!!!!!
There were no customers that day but headquarters wouldn't let us leave. (I still have the e-mails they sent out.)
When I got home that night, it was all that we could find on TV. I finally cried when my DS told me good night and said he loved me. Watching the footage over and over of the people running, was just so unbelieveable to me.
After 3 days of watching the news all night, I couldn't take it anymore. I meant no disrespect to any of the victims, but it was just too much. I remember sitting in our bedroom and watching the funniest movie I could think of and laughing my head off. I think it was a release for me because I felt a little better the next day.
I will never forget those victims or their loved ones. God bless you all! God bless all our fire fighters, police officers and medical personnel. And we should never forget our service people serving our great country!
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Labor Day Parage
Thursday, September 07, 2006
When I get down....
What do I do? Lots of things....
I usually need to be by myself for a little while. Then, I chat on a MB or e-mail some friends. I sometimes just like to sit with my DH and watch whatever he's watch (weird as it may be....). As always though, there's nothing a little scrapping can't fix. :D
I usually need to be by myself for a little while. Then, I chat on a MB or e-mail some friends. I sometimes just like to sit with my DH and watch whatever he's watch (weird as it may be....). As always though, there's nothing a little scrapping can't fix. :D
Sunday, September 03, 2006
For Love of the Game
I read the book several years ago, but FINALLY saw the movie this afternoon. Oh, my, word! I had a revalation....
A) I LOVE Kevin Costner, ok, 80s and 90s Kevin Costner.
B) (this is the revelation part) The scene when he is coming back from his hand injury hit home REALLY hard and I sat and bawled. I didn't feel so alone. I was SO ashamed last year of how things were here after DH lost his thumb. He quit his job and sat around for 7 months. I didn't hate him but I didn't really like him a lot, either. I saw a lot of the same things in Costner's character at that moment, that my DH went through. I guess it wasn't unusual what he went through.
C) Now that I have bored you with that. I want to say - I loved the movie. I don't remember much of the book but if it's as good or better than the movie, I better check it out again.
A) I LOVE Kevin Costner, ok, 80s and 90s Kevin Costner.
B) (this is the revelation part) The scene when he is coming back from his hand injury hit home REALLY hard and I sat and bawled. I didn't feel so alone. I was SO ashamed last year of how things were here after DH lost his thumb. He quit his job and sat around for 7 months. I didn't hate him but I didn't really like him a lot, either. I saw a lot of the same things in Costner's character at that moment, that my DH went through. I guess it wasn't unusual what he went through.
C) Now that I have bored you with that. I want to say - I loved the movie. I don't remember much of the book but if it's as good or better than the movie, I better check it out again.
Scrap Happy!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Digital stuff
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I decided to try to keep up with this challenge this year. Plus, it jumpstarted my scrapbooking for the year and got me doing this layout. ...
Hi friends and readers! Here we are at Monday again. I hope you all have a nice weekend. We took an extended weekend. My Mr. needed to...
As I start my 40th year today (3/31), it's also MLB Opening Day! The Cubs are in Pittsburgh. This year is also the 100th birthd...